Sunday, December 1, 2013

Craft a Scene - Winter Theme (Optional Tri-shutter card)

December is finally here and everyone is thinking of Christmas. Parts of the country are blanketed in snow and the rest of us would love to see some (for a short time anyway).  In honor of the inevitable winter white stuff, our theme is to make a winter scene with the option of making it a Tri-Shutter card.

I just love how the tri-shutter card looks with a wonderful scene and I think it adds an extra special challenge to a simple theme. 

When you enter the challenge please make sure you meet the minimum criteria for a scene!

The Tri-shutter card is a stretch for some and the design team had a great time learning how to make these.  I have a brief tutorial on my blog and you can also find instructions at Split Coast Stampers.

Anna-Karin - Layers of Ink

You may enter up to 3 times and as many challenges as you wish. If you do not have a blog or account on Split Coast Stampers, then just email me a picture of the piece and I will add it to one of our posts.  

If you are not sure what constitutes a scenic project, check out the information here.

Don't forget to add GDT to your link if you wish to be considered for a guest spot.

Have fun creating!



Claire said...

Gorgeous work from the DT and what a fab challenge, love the twist!
Claire xx

Stephanie said...

Thank you for another great challenge, would love to attempt a tri shutter design next x

Theresa's Studio said...

Great challenge! Came back with a Tri-Shutter card for a second entry. Merry Christmas!

Karen P said...

Thank you for another great challenge and for sharing the DT creations and inspirations with us. Happy Christmas xx