Sunday, April 6, 2014

Hills and Mountains - Craft a Scene April Challenge

Our challenge for the month of April is to create a scene emphasizing hills and mountains.  Easy Right!

Please make sure you have background and foreground elements to your stamped or digi'd scene or it will be ignored.

Here is what our wonderful design team has made for your inspiration.

Anna-Karin - Layers of Ink

Now all you have to do is make your own "Hills and Mountains" project. You may enter up to 3 times and as many other challenges as you wish. If you do not have a blog or account on Split Coast Stampers, then just email me a picture of the piece and I will add it to one of our posts.  

If you are not sure what constitutes a scenic project, check out the information here.

Don't forget to add GDT to your link if you wish to be considered for a guest spot.

Have fun creating!



Dora said...

hello team.

what a beautiful cards are made here!! fantastic to see.
all so different of using stamps.
kind regards from me.

Maggie said...

Great inspiration and a lovely challenge so glad I was able to play here again this month.


Karen P said...

Thank you sharing the gorgeous inspirations and another great challenge Karen x

Crafty Mamma Mia said...

Wonderful DT creations - thanks for the inspiration. This is my first time playing here, so apologies if I haven't got my entry quite right!
Helen x