Sunday, February 2, 2014

Craft a Scene February Challenge - Use Your Favorite Technique

Last month you were able to name your own challenge.  This month you may "Use Your Favorite Technique."  

I would like to remind everyone that this is a scenic challenge and a scene with foreground and background images is required.  You can stamp, draw or use a digi to make your scene, but cutting out paper does not qualify as creating a scene on this challenge.  Please see our instructions page for more information.  I don't like to discourage crafters so please note that any entry that does not meet our rules will be ignored.

In scenic stamping we often use specialized techniques to create our wonderful views of the world such as using a brayer to lay down color, starting with a photograph and adding stamped images, using a digi scene to build from, using glossy paper and a stylist, using chalk, and many more.  I am sure you all have your own favorite techniques and we want you to share them with us.  Please only link completed "scenes" and be sure to include an explanation of your technique in your blog post.

Here is what our wonderful design team has made for your inspiration.

Anna-Karin - Layers of Ink

Anna-Karin's favorite is to do Black and White scenes on glossy paper.

Pia likes to stamp on photographs.

Rachel likes to make acetate overlays.

Maggie - Silver Crafter 

Maggie likes to take just one or two stamps to make a scene.

Sue likes to make a random background and then add stamped images.

I decided to try the photoscape technique.

Now you have a chance to make a project with your own favorite techniques. You may enter up to 3 times and as many other challenges as you wish. If you do not have a blog or account on Split Coast Stampers, then just email me a picture of the piece and I will add it to one of our posts.  

If you are not sure what constitutes a scenic project, check out the information here.

Don't forget to add GDT to your link if you wish to be considered for a guest spot.

Have fun creating!



Caro´s kreative Welt said...

Das sind alles sehr schöne Werke.

LG Carola

Karen P said...

Stunning DT inspirations and thanks for a great challenge, hope my entry counts x

Desire Fourie said...

Apologies, my entry does not conform to the rules. Please delete my entry no.1
Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Just love the DT work, well done! great challenge too, made if for once.. better put a big mark up on the wall! :D
Shaz in Oz.x